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Miroshnichenko I.V., Morozova E.V. Network Public Policy: Outlines of Subject Field. – Polis. Political Studies. 2017. No 2. P. 82-102 (In Russ.) .

150 руб.

The authors reveal the structure and content of the public policy network, formed under the influence of societal changes in modern society, in which political institutions and practices have acquired new universal qualities. The article identifies and describes the stages of evolution of the network approach in political studies. Network public policy takes place in an Internet-integrated environment and is both the process and the result of the interaction of socio-political actors using network resources and technologies to develop ways of solving problems of public importance and their integration into governmental practices. Contours of the problem field cover the changes in different dimensions of public policy (information-discursive, institutional, governmental, technological, socio-cultural, spatial) and their results. The opportunities and risks of an individual’s reflective involvement in network structures are shown in the article, as well as the vectors of transformation of traditional political institutions and genesis of hybrid organizational forms under the impact of network technologies. The usage of network technologies greatly enhances political actors’ multi-faceted development in the context of political uncertainty, characteristic for the networked reality. The authors reveal the relationship between the communicative power of civil society and the political-administrative cycle using the case of crowdsourcing. The subjective space of network public policy is characterized by the changes in the system of political values, in the nature of political identity and political culture, including those occurring under the influence of consumerization. The subject field of network public policy will inevitably be expanded and differentiated. 


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