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We in the world, the world in us

Krasin Yu.A. Ideology in the world undergoing transformation: traits to present a new vision. – Polis. Political Studies. 2014. No 6. P. 149-165.


People’s increased concern for interpretation of ideology and for its concrete problems is due to the desire to comprehend the essence and meaning of the deepest transformation which human civilization is undergoing and which can be determined as “big reformatization of socium”. The ever wider socio-historical experience being acquired by the mankind, changes the contents and the functions of ideology as a specific form of social consciousness in which the senses of the socium’s vital activity are sublimated. An attempt is made in the article to outline a new vision of ideology which would answer the modern reality undergoing transformations. Just as once in the past, the process of the formation of industrial society created demand for free man and thus engendered demand for ideology of humanism, – in a similar way the launched transition to the innovative type of social development generates demand for creativity, for human creator and, respectively, for the meta-ideology of new humanism. This meta-ideology is to become the socio-ideological and moral foundation of the universal politics of “historical compromises” – politics able to embody the unity of the global and versatile “world of worlds”.



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