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Zheleznyakov A.S. Civilizational Pillars of Russia’s Modernization. – Polis. Political Studies. 2017. No 4. P. 186-191 (In Russ.) .


Russia; modernization; civilization; primary and secondary stages of modernization; sociological research; political dissonance.

The Atlas of Russia’s modernization, operating with phenomena and concepts with unclear boundaries and deep meaning, gives them spatially systematized data that form the very idea of the objects under study. The authors widely used heuristic approach, which only allows you to operate with such hardly predictible processes and trends as modernization and its state in the Russian regions and in Russia as a whole. More specifically, we are talking about the civilizational approach, supplemented and concretized by the results of more than 70 sociological studies of modernization in almost one third of the subjects of the Russian Federation. The authors analyzed the internal challenges facing Russia, the answer to which should be modernization. For the first time in the study of modern Russian society, the Atlas represents modernization as a measurable, comparable and voluminous process. The Atlas draws a stage picture of the development of modern Russian society – at the exit from the industrial (primary) stage of modernization and preparation for entry into the information (secondary) stage. At this stage of modernization, the seemingly socio-cultural, but in fact – political discord of the modern Russian civilizational process will be overcome, and a humanistically oriented way of life for a large community of people in the northeastern part of the continent of Eurasia is approved, as an illustration of a possible new civilizational project for humanity. 


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